Training Course

Training Course

Our truck training course will teach you how to find loads and average between $7,000-$9,000 week. All owner operator and dispatchers who uses or proven technique to daily route planning will grow there business over 50%. When you signup to take our course you will learn the following

-How to start a 16 or 26 foot box truck business

-Learn all material needed to have inside your truck when on the road

-See how to finance a truck and what loans not to signup for to save your business

-Learn how to negotiate with brokers the right way

-Truck maintenance

-Route planning and how to quickly strategize routes

-How to maximize space for MAX Profits

How to use load boards and the right way!

Our courses is setup to guide you to become a better trucker. When you are ready to grow your business signup and find out the secret to our success.